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You Have Questions and We Have Answers!

If you have a question and are unable to find the answer below, please contact the 纽霍夫研究所 ministry@whqlhg.com 或拨打972-721-4118.

The CPM is an adult continuing education program designed in cooperation with the Diocese of Dallas to meet the formation needs of a variety of parish level ministers and to enable personal enrichment to adults seeking to enhance their personal faith 生活.

While the program is principally designed for active parishioners and volunteer ministers, it may also be of value to professional ministers who do not have or are unable to 在事工方面攻读学位. Although the Diocese of Dallas remains our primary partner, today the program is opened to anyone of all education levels, across 美国. 

All classes are taught by instructors who have at least a Master’s degree in Theology, Theological Studies, Pastoral Ministry, Catechetical Ministry or related field.

Classes are offered at a variety of days, times and locations. 网上和面对面. Neuhoff faculty not only travel across the Diocese of Dallas to deliever courses, but also acoss  美国 to w在这里ever they are called to teach and serve.  

T在这里 is no limit as to the number of courses that a student may regsiter for or take. Students may take courses until they complete the CPM certificate, long after their recieve the certificate, or just one-two courses that interest them. How many or How little courses students take is entirely up to them! 

网上注册 在这里 在第一堂课之前.  Please complete all requested information. 和 reach out to us if you need additional assistance at ministry@whqlhg.com 或拨打972.721.4118. 

Each class is $100, however, certain partner relationships allow us to offer courses 以折扣价出售.

Currently, we have partnership with the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, for example, in that Catholic person who is a member of a parish in the diocese pays $50 of the $100 fee and the diocese pays the remainder of the fee. 

If you would like to take courses with us and are in need of financial assistance or would like to explore a partnership that may offer courses at a reduced rate, please 联系执行主任,博士. 乔迪·亨特博士.D. at jhunt@whqlhg.com 或致电972-265-5835.

When registering online as student can choose to pay by credit card or by check: 

  • 信用卡: If payment by credit card is chosen, the payment is made at the time of registration.
  • 检查: If payment by check is made, a student will be emailed an invoice within 2 business days and then check payments are made at the 云顶集团 Office of Finance in Cardinal Farrel Hall on the UD campus during regular business hours (8 am – 5 pm). You must have an invoice or student number in order to pay by check.

不接受现金付款. Payment must be received prior to the second class session or a student will not be 允许上课. 

Classes are once a week for two (2) hours over the course of five weeks. 额外的 格式(e.g. weekend and summer intensives) are also often made available. 

No – classes may be taken in any sequence. Some elective/concentration classes have recommended perquisites because they have foundational information that will assist 课堂上的学生. 

A certificate is earned by completing a total of 18 classes – 12 core classes and 6选修课.  Electives can be in a specific concentration or of a student’s choice. 

是的, in order to get credit for a class a student must attend all five classes. 然而, if a student misses a course session due to illness, death in the family, or other unforseen/irregular circumstances, course instructors may offer an alternative assignment 来弥补错过的作业. 

Any excused absence or the opportunity to make up a missed course session is at the 教员的自由裁量权. 

是的, classes are capped at 40 students. 

是的. If t在这里 is insufficient enrollment the 云顶集团 and the Neuhoff Institute reserves the right to cancel a class.  将给予退款或积分 给所有注册过的人. 


If you have registered for the annual course and the first session has already begun, 我们不会退款. Instead, t在这里 will be a credit of the missed CPM classes assigned to your account that must be used by the next academic year. 

For individual five-week registrations, if the first class has already begun, t在这里 不退款吗. Instead, t在这里 will be a credit of one CPM class assigned to  your account and must be used by the next academic year. 

**Refunds will only be issued if you cancel your registration before classes have 见过. 

是的! We regularly offer courses online in both the asynchronous (self-paced with faculty guidances/interaction and discussion boards) and synchronous (virtual live-sessions).